Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Day Sixteen.

Reason #018 to come to Washington: My cat. She has been featured in previous posts but I just can't get enough of her. She's adorable. She's pretty skittish and hesitant to warm up to people but when she does, she's super cuddly and irresistible. Today she was sitting on my bed watching people pass in the hallway through this little window in the laundry on my bed. It was so cute. This shot was not set up.
Reason #018 to come to Indiana: Brother Ed. He's the perfect driving companion. Even if his hula skirt is held up by a hair tie and is shedding all over my dashboard.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day Fifteen.

Reason #017 to come to Washington: Fine Dining. I went to a Italian restaurant with my Aunt Michelle tonight. It was incredible. This is one among many other delicious places to eat. 
Reason #017 to come to Indiana: My dad's garage. I don't know what all is in there. My dad probably doesn't know what all is in there. There is stuff hiding behind that blue tarp, and there is an upstairs with even more treasures. To the left of what you see sits his 1971 Plymouth Cuda, four motorcycles, and a moped. But the bountiful amount of modes of transportation that are available to you once you come to Indiana is a blog for another day. Probably a day like tomorrow.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Day Fourteen.

Reason #016 to come to Washington: I-90. It starts right in Seattle. It is a great freeway. From Seattle to my house (about a 35 minute drive) there is one floating bridge, two tunnels, two lakes, thousands of trees (we're not called the Evergreen State for nothing) and hills and once you get in my hometown BAM! the cascade mountains! It's really my favorite drive and probably the reason I love driving so much.

Reason #016 to come to Indiana: Peanut butter chocolate chip brownies.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day Thirteen.

Reason #015 to come to Washington: My mom's homemade pumpkin pie is the best. She makes it for Thanksgiving, Christmas and if friends come to visit from other states. 
Reason #015 to come to Indiana: Prime Goodwill finds. I got these on Saturday. Along with a pair of shoes, some shirts, a scarf, and a purse. Everything was 50% off.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day Twelve.

Reason #0014 to come to Washington: Panda Photo in downtown Seattle is a GREAT place. They develop film, print photos and all that beautiful stuff. They even have a pet dog in there. This photo was developed there. This photo was also taken down a neat alleyway in my hometown, North Bend.

Reason #014 to come to Indiana: Indiana weather changes its mind like a girl changes cold...It's hot then it's cold, it's yes then it's no, it's in then it's out, it's up then it's down. Last Saturday: frozen tundra. This Saturday: springtime showers.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Day Eleven.

Reason #013 to come to Washington: Crafty people. I was visiting my friend that lives on Queen Anne (beautiful neighborhood) in Seattle and we were taking a walk and saw THIS! It was awesome. Best snowman (or woman) I've ever seen.
Reason #013 to come to Indiana: Sometimes my brothers play dress up. Little do they know that they both dressed up like Clayton "C-Bass" Ashcraft.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day Ten.

Reason #010, #011 and #012 to come to Washington: From a 1950's diner style table to comfortable Eames inspired chairs, my family does their best to live in style.  Oh, and I got a polaroid adaptor for my holga for christmas. It's great. (I had to catch up to Amy in numbers)
Reason #012 to come to Indiana: Baby Benkenstein! Tyler and Shannon are going to have a baby! I'm going to be an aunt again! Totarry stoked. They told my parents by giving them framed sonogram pictures of the baby.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Day Nine.

Reason #009 to come to Washington: Christmas Eve dinner with the Conlons. My mom side of the family has a big fancy dinner every Christmas Eve. The food is always delicious and there's never a dull moment.

Reason #009, #010, and #011 to come to Indiana: Shannon, Tyler, and Pearl Benkenstein. My brother, sister-in-law, and niece came to my dad's today for Christmas. We had Buffalo Wild Wings aka B-Dubs (which is a reason to come to Indiana in itself) and rice for dinner, peanut butter chocolate chip brownies for dessert, and exchanged presents. One of the hidden blessings of having divorced parents is that you pretty much celebrate each holiday twice.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day Eight.

Reason #008 to come to Washington: My dad got this chair while I was at school. It's his chair. He told me I wasn't allowed to sit in it. But I do anyways. I don't think my cat's even allowed to sit in it. I guess I'm a bad example. 
Reason #008 to come to Indiana: Monochromatic footwear. Variety is not our spice of life. Neutral colored shoes are.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Day Seven.

Reason #007 to come to Washington: My driveway is great for sledding. Its very steep and the bottom is roomy for crashing. You can't see it because the van's in the way, but there's a ledge you can sled off too if you feel like being dangerous. If only I had someone to play in all this snow with...
Reason #007 to come to Indiana: Clean rooms. Today Kristen and I cleaned our room and closet at Dad's. Then we played Rockband. The top bunk is her's and the bottom one is mine.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day Six.

Reason #006 to come to Washington: Sometimes it snows buckets overnight and you get stuck places and church is cancelled. Very adventurous. 
Reason #006 to come to Indiana: Jospeh Tyler Newhard aka Baby Joey, my newest cousin. The question isn't "Will Joey play sports?" or even "Does Joey likes sports?" Joey loves watching the girls basketball team his dad, Jake, coaches and stares at a ball no matter how small the size. The question is "What sport(s) will Joey play?" He probably dreams about soccer balls, baseballs, and basketballs. I asked Jake what he would do if Joey didn't want to play basketball. Jake said he would get a paternity test.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day Five.

Reason #005 to come to Washington: Leanne Robey. One of my best friend's mom, will make you the most delicious food any time of the day. Especially when you're stuck there all night because of the snow. 
Reason #005 to come to Indiana: Even though the electricity sometimes goes off for 30 hours at a time, it comes back on. Way to go, American Electric Power.

Day Four.

Reason #004 to come to Washington: My parents car. As you can see, it's orange. Inside AND out. Here's my dad putting antifreeze in it.

Reason #004 to come to Indiana: Fort Wayne Freeze Out 08! There's nothing better than a county wide game of freeze out. Ice storms are great. Lovelovelove it. Things like this bring together even the most broken of families. This is the front of my mom's house. Her electricity is currently still out. Us kids went to my dad's because he has a generator. His electricity is back on finally and was out for about 30 hours. Not too shabby, Fort Wayne.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day Three.

Reason #003 to come to Washington: Beautiful landscapes such as this are everywhere. this lake (rattlesnake lake) is just 5 minutes from my house. If i had moved my camera just 3 feet to the right, you could see rattlesnake ridge. a great hike. at the top you can see everything!

Reason #003 to come to Indiana: Firefly smoothies from Firefly Coffee Shop. When I was home during the summer, I had three in one week. You even get to choose the color of your straw!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day Two.

Reason #002 to come to Washington: 1986 VW Cabriolette. There's no radio and the heater barely works but it runs great and it's my baby. Here it is lit by the Christmas lights on my house.

Reason #002 to Come to Indiana: Today I got four fillings. No. That isn't a reason to come to Indiana. But if you're gong to get a filling, you should get it at Hughes Dental Group. My dentist(s) is/are great and I love going there. The silver one is old, from my old dentist Dr. Daniel Hughes. In one of those other teeth is a filling from my new dentist, Dr. Bradley Hughes who is Dr. Daniel Hughes's son. Everything is a family affair here.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day One.

Reason #001 to come to Washington: My cat loves to cuddle. She also loves my room in which she was not allowed while I was at school.
Reason #001 to Come to Indiana: My dad takes being 1/16 Ottawa very seriously. Also, it snowed today...Which may or may not be a reason to come.